2:09 AM -
Posted by FitFoodieMegha -
This time I have experimented with water based color pencils...Please let me know ur views on it..The name of the flower is Butterfly Pea in English and Aparajita in Hindi...I liked it a lot for the subject for my painting. It is in backyard of my house...:)
Base: Black Sketch Paper
Made Using: Water Based Color Pencil
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Teresa said...
Hi Megha,
This is a beautiful piece. Love the colors. Can't believe you got that lovely mauve background working on black sketch paper? Wow!
Arianna said...
Very nice works, I like a lot that mauve! ;)
Mary Paquet said...
Hi Megha, I love the nice rich colors. Great piece. You should do more with these pencils!
Anonymous said...
Art with Liz said...
Hi Megha. Every now and then I take out my watercolour pencils and sketch and then run water all over the place. They are such fun. But you have really mastered them here. Beautiful.
Elizabeth Seaver said...
You really used these fun tools very ably. Nice job!
Dean H. said...
Nice strong color...I like it!
FitFoodieMegha said...
Thanks to all for appreciating my work!
RNSANE said...
Another lovely piece. I hope people are buying these wonderful works. They need to be gracing everyone's homes...but, of course, yours must be quite the showplace, Megha!!